Progressive Web Apps – Is Progressive Web Application (PWA) the future of web design and development?

Progressive Web Apps
How can you get an app you want? Go to the Google Play Store, or Apple App Store, download the app and install it. Then wait for it to open, read and agree to the privacy policy, allow access. Voila! It is ready for use.
Bit tedious, is it not? But do not worry, this process will become obsolete within a few years. In the near future, you can use an app, without having to go through all the above-mentioned processes. Progressive Web Application (PWA) has achieved just that.
In simple terms, with PWA, you can use an app like you are streaming a movie on Netflix. This convenience has made web design and development agencies jumping at the technology.
Advantages of PWA
Google proposed the idea of Progressive Web Application in 2015. It instantly became a hot topic among website design companies, not only because of its ease of development but the quick gratification provided to users.
Mobile app development agencies found that they can avoid the loss of users (estimated to be 20% in every step!) usually occurring in conventional mobile app installation.
The advantages of Progressive Web Application are:
1. Easy to find
Compared to that of a native application, the ease of finding a PWA is tenfold. It is because PWA is a website and so can be found by search engines with ease. Website design and development agencies hence prefer PWA above native application as they guarantee more visibility for your app.
2. Independent of connectivity
PWA is best for those areas where internet connectivity is slow. They can work with almost the same efficiency irrespective of the internet speed. In countries like India, where connectivity is not uniform in all areas, Progressive Web Applications finds its use.
3. Regular updates
Users need not update the app constantly as they do for native applications. The updates will be available to the user once they connect to the internet. Hence the mobile app development agency can tweak the apps regularly without prompting the users to download the newest version.
4. Better user experience
Progressive Web Application combines the advantages of a website with that of a mobile application. As an app, it is installable, more responsive, and tends to be reused by the user. Moreover, it is linkable as a website, easy to search and can be used on any device. Thus the PWA gives a better user experience.
PWA success stories
Many international firms have adopted Progressive Web Apps technology, realizing its potential. Starbucks has launched its new ordering app as PWA. It helped them to make the app 99.84% smaller than their existing iOS counterpart. Starbucks has declared that as a result of this, online orders have almost doubled.
Similarly, Debenhams have had a 40% increase in mobile revenue by adopting PWA. BMW also vouches for the technology as their app loading speed, as well as video and image resolutions, have improved considerably. It has resulted in a 50% growth in mobile users.
If these success stories will not inspire the web design and development agencies, what will?
A Revolutionary Technology
We are indeed stepping into the future world with the advent of technologies like PWA. The flexibility and user satisfaction guaranteed by it makes it the future of web design and development.
Imagine a time when all the applications that you use today get transformed into PWA. The time for installation and the memory space in the device saved will be substantial. Hence Progressive Web Application is revolutionary technological progress.