Best SEO Practices Offered By New York City SEO Expert

SEO stands for search engine optimization. Search engine optimization is a strategy applied to increase the number of visitors on your website by boosting the rank of the website on the search engine ranking. The basic idea is to increase your website’s visibility on organic searches in search engines for particular keywords. This ensures you get more visitor traffic. New York City SEO expert has some amazing SEO strategies to increase website ranking.
There are different types of SEO practices like white hat SEO and black hat SEO.
White Hat SEO
As the name suggests, white hat SEO means legitimate practices based entirely on Google guidelines that help to get a higher ranking. This SEO practice is believed to be a holistic strategy that follows Google's algorithms and does not exploit any loopholes. The SEO practice takes some time to show some positive results yet the are quality results.
Main SEO techniques that come under the following practice are:
- Publishing quality content on the website
- HTML optimization
- Website restructuring
- Link acquisition campaigns
Black Hat SEO
SEO practices that are implemented by using the loopholes and weakness in the Google algorithm to increase the website ranking. These practices are illegitimate and against Google guidelines. The SEO practice may give you faster results for a certain time but they are not long-lasting. Chances are that Google may block your website forever for using illicit SEO practices to gain a higher ranking.
Codea Web, a New York City SEO expert focuses on using White SEO practices to help our customer’s top search engine ranking and increase the website traffic ensuring high ROI.
There are mainly two types of SEO followed by everyone these days:
- On-page SEO
- Off-page SEO
(i) On-page SEO:
Performing SEO strategies on the page to be published is called On-page SEO ensuring that the page ranks higher on the search results. The main activities carried on a page are-
Here the idea is to give a backlink that takes you to the site from where you have drawn the idea. This site will have a higher search engine ranking and authority. Google considers your website credible for giving credit to the source website. This increases your chances of ranking higher. You may even get a backlink back from the authoritative site which does wonders to website traffic.
Infusing Keywords in Order of Priority
Including keywords in the content of the page according to the priority of keywords is another SEO technique used. The two main categories of keywords are- primary keywords and secondary keywords. The primary keywords need to appear at least 8-15 times in 1500-2000 words long content. The secondary keywords need to appear at least once in the entire length of content.
The Google spiders crawl through the content to understand the content you posted based on keywords included in the content as per Google's algorithm.
Meta Tags, Meta Description, Alt Attributes
The meta tags are used to help Google understand the content better and let the search engine understand the meaning of the content you posted. Meta tags mainly use secondary keywords.
Meta descriptions appear along with the title on the search engine search results. The meta description determines if a user will click on the link that takes the user to your website. When you publish a blog post through WordPress, make it a habit to include the primary keyword in the alt text of the images. This helps blind users to understand what the content is about with the help of screen readers.
SEO Yoast for WordPress
If you are posting a blog through WordPress, make use of the SEO tool SEO Yoast to improve the quality of your content. The tool helps you optimize your blog so that it appears on the top of search results.
Image SEO
Image optimization is an important aspect of a website. Optimize the images so that they appear in searches made for images. When the users click the image, they are redirected to the website. This ensures you get more traffic.
Internal Linking
Interlink your previous blogs published on the website to the fresh blog. This keeps the users connected with other web pages on the website. This helps to retain the users.
H tags
Heading tags makes sure that Google notices the title of your blog. The H tag helps your blog to appear on top of the SERP for the particular word. Primary and secondary keywords are used in sub-heads.
URL Structure
URL needs to be adjusted according to the primary keyword ensures that your blog visibility and ranking higher. When the searcher uses a keyword to search for data, if your blog's URL contains the keyword, the blog may appear on the searches.
(ii)Off-page SEO:
Off-page SEO practices performed on web pages that are live on the internet. The practices involved are as follows:
Publishing your blog is not enough. You need to share your work on social media platforms, connectivity apps so that your work reaches a bigger audience. Also, your work will be shared by other people on their profile.
If a social media post gets comments from the audience, the post appears on the newsfeed. The same happens with search engines where the post gets a lot of engagement in the form of commenting & sharing.
Liking/Star Rating
The liking is similar to sharing and commenting. Larger the number of star rating and liking more credible your post is considered by Google. The star ratings work like reviews for blogs for audience & even Google.
So, you may wonder, who will help perform all these SEO practices to rank your website on top of the search engine searches and increase the traffic on your pages? New York City SEO expert Codea will help you.